These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTC) govern the relationship between Géraldine de Caritat de Peruzzis and the Client,
in the context of the service provision by Joy for Living, as requested by the client.

The General Terms and Conditions of Sale and the client’s request form the contract.

1. Introduction and Defined Terms

Introduction to Joy for Living

These general conditions define the rights and obligations of the parties involved in the service provision activity of Géraldine de Caritat de Peruzzis, operating under the trade name ‘Joy for Living’. They apply to all legal relations between Joy for Living, registered under number 10077999/3, domiciled at 53, avenue Gaston Diderich – 1420 Luxembourg, and its clients.

Nature of Services Offered

Joy for Living offers personalized consultation and support services aimed at helping individuals optimize their living spaces. These services encompass a range of activities, including tidying, sorting, decluttering, layout, creation of custom installations, decoration, and overall space optimization. It is essential to emphasize that the advice and support provided by Joy for Living are designed to guide clients in their organization and harmonization process. However, the practical implementation of these recommendations remains the client’s responsibility. In other words, Joy for Living brings its expertise to help clients improve the aesthetics of their living spaces, but the concrete application of these tips and adjustments remains the client’s responsibility. The service provider commits to maintaining the utmost confidentiality regarding the content of its mission and all information and documents that the client will have communicated and to which it will have had access.

2. Scope of Services

Included Services

The services provided by Joy for Living are limited to the specified services and do not include renovation or cleaning work, except under a different explicit agreement.

Additional services

For services outside the usual scope, a specific quote will be established, subject to the client’s prior agreement.

Partner Providers

Joy for Living may recommend partner providers for these additional services, but its responsibility is limited to the connection, and these providers are not considered employees of Joy for Living. At no time can Joy for Living be held liable regarding the conditions or consequences of the intervention of this provider.

3. Establishment of the Service Contract

Preliminary Interview

Before any visit and conclusion of a contract, a preliminary telephone interview is required, without obligation for the client. During this interview, an appointment will be set to plan the on-site diagnostic visit. This interview will allow discussing the client’s needs and determining if Joy for Living’s services are appropriate. Joy for Living reserves the right to refuse the service if the sanitary conditions of the place are unacceptable (mold, organic, or hazardous waste). The Provider reserves the right to refuse any services and work that is evidently contrary to its values.

Estimated Quote

Each intervention by Joy for Living is preceded by an estimated quote agreed upon after an on-site diagnostic visit. The quote includes the details of the proposed services, the estimated cost, and the applicable general conditions. For visits beyond a radius of 30 kilometers, additional costs (1€/km) are charged to the client for the first diagnostic visit, these costs must be paid on the day of the visit, they will be deductible if a service agreement is given.

Deposit and Payment Deadline

If the service exceeds 2 days, a deposit corresponding to 30% of the total quote amount is invoiced at the contract’s signing and remains due in case of service cancellation. The deposit must be paid at least 4 days before the scheduled service date.

4. Service Cancellation and Postponement

Service Cancellation

The client has the right to cancel the service under the following conditions:
If the client cancels the service at least forty-eight hours before the scheduled date, the deposit paid remains due, but no additional fees will be charged.

Service Postponement

The client can request a postponement of the service up to seventy-two hours before the scheduled date without having to justify their request.

Changes to Service Locations

If significant changes occur in the service locations between the diagnostic visit and the scheduled service date, Joy for Living may propose modifications to the initial quote. If the client refuses these modifications, they can terminate the contract without fees. The client’s consent to the significant difference must be proven by photos taken during the diagnostic visit and notes on the quote.

Force majeure

In the event of force majeure, the parties have the option to postpone or terminate the contract. Force majeure is legally defined as an unforeseeable and unavoidable event at the time of the contract’s conclusion.

5. Client Responsibilities

Provision of the Living Space

The client commits to welcoming the provider in a respectful living space. They will avoid exposing the provider to an insalubrious place (mold, organic and hazardous waste) and will respect safety conditions (electricity, …).

Active Participation and Collaboration

The client commits to actively participating and fully collaborating, mainly during the sorting phase. For the tidying phase, the client’s presence is not mandatory unless otherwise agreed in the contract.

Provision of Materials

The client is required to provide the taxed garbage bags of the municipality domiciled at the service location on the agreed day, as well as a recycling center card of the municipality if required. Any other required materials, such as storage boxes, cartons, etc., will be provided and organized by Joy for Living. The company retains ownership of the goods and materials provided until full payment. In case of contract termination due to non-payment, the company is entitled to retrieve them.

Confirmation and Cancellation

For contracts covering several days of service, the client must confirm each day of service at least three days in advance. In case of cancellation less than twenty-four hours before the service day, fees equivalent to 30% of the canceled service amount will be charged.

Mission Preparation

Before the service, Joy for Living may formulate requests to the client for mission preparation, and the client commits to follow them. In case of non-compliance, Joy for Living reserves the right to postpone the appointment.

6. Service Execution

Date and Execution Deadlines

Once the contract is established, Joy for Living commits to performing the service on the agreed date with the client, within a maximum period of three months from the contract’s signing.

Client Participation

The service takes place in the client’s presence, mainly during the sorting of items, where their active participation is essential for the service’s completion. If the client is absent during the sorting, the provider will send photos of the item to be removed. The client remains solely responsible for the agreement to remove.

Modifications and Additional Billing

The client agrees that any difficulty leading to additional work, an extension of the service, or a modification of its scope at their request, will be billed in addition to the initial quote.

Service Completion

The service is considered completed when all tasks mentioned in the quote have been carried out, and this is confirmed jointly with the client.

7. Acquisition and Installation of Storage Materials

Budget and Approval

If specific storage materials need to be acquired and installed for the mission, an estimated budget will be agreed upon between Joy for Living and the client. This budget will detail the costs associated with the necessary items.

Client Advance

The client must advance an amount corresponding to the agreed budget for Joy for Living to proceed with the purchase of decoration items, painting materials, and the installation of storage materials. If Joy for Living advances this amount, the client commits to paying the full amount advanced upon receipt of the material invoice issued by Joy for Living. Joy for Living commits to providing transparent cost information and obtaining the client’s prior approval before purchasing any material.

Ownership, Maintenance, and Responsibility

All materials purchased and installed at the client’s premises remain the client’s property, and it is their responsibility to ensure their maintenance and security. Joy for Living will not be held responsible for damages or losses related to these materials once installed, and it is not authorized to remove the materials once installed, provided the invoice is fully paid.

Associated Costs

The costs associated with storage materials are not included in the initial quote amount unless otherwise indicated. The costs will be detailed in the estimated quote and will be subject to separate billing as per the terms agreed upon between the parties.

8. Costs

 Quote Establishment

When creating the quote, Joy for Living proposes an intervention cost based on an estimation of the service duration. It is important to note that the final cost, after deducting the deposit, may be adjusted if the actual service duration differs from the initial estimation. In this case, the actual cost billed will be adjusted proportionally to the effective service duration.

9. Payment

The client is required to pay the full amount of the invoice directly after the service. If the service exceeds two days, the client pays within 15 days of receipt. Payment can be made by bank transfer, in cash, or via the Payconiq application. A gift voucher issued exclusively by Joy for Living may be accepted to pay for a defined service. This gift voucher functions by nominating the number of prepaid hours by a named person for the purpose of making a gift.