Decluttering, sorting,
and tidying
bring more serenity

Decluttering, also known as Home Organising, involves implementing storage and organisation solutions that allow you to fully enjoy your home.

According to Marie Kondo, tidying is much more than a way to bring order to your home; it has the power to change your life! For some, tidying improves performance or professional relationships. For others, it facilitates romantic relationships or the discovery of what they really desire…

Studies tell us that our home is the projection of our psyche, a bit like the mirror effect of our inner selves. Therefore, organising effectively or decluttering can truly be therapeutic.
It is scientifically proven that the relationship between tidying and well-being is symbiotic.
Working on your home is working on yourself.

Where do you want to bring order? What is your ideal living space ?

Home organisation can lead to a better focus on essential elements of your life. It can also bring a more reasoned approach to consumerism.

Life events are linked to taking care of your home: grief, a child leaving the nest, or a divorce could be a trigger to cleanse your home. Discarding memories and creating space could help you turn a page in your life. Sometimes we just need someone to help us start that process. 

What’s next ?

Do you have a room that has lost its purpose and has become a storage area where everything is piling up ?

Is your mind overloaded ? Do you have difficulty relaxing at home ?

 No need to panic… I am here to tidy, sort, organise, and declutter, or simply to lighten and revive your interior !

I will help you find the motivation that you need, working discreetly with you to help you achieve the results that
you want and giving you tips and tricks to remain in control.

How does it work ?

Do you wish to sort, declutter, reorganise one or more rooms, or even your entire home ?

Are you moving out or moving in ?

Two options are possible: either we will carry out the work together according to your wishes and availability,
or I will work alone under your instructions. The choice is yours.

On my first on-site visit, I will take the time to understand your lifestyle in order to establish an estimate.

This visit is free within 15 km of Luxembourg City. Outside of this catchment area, travel will be invoiced,
which will be offset from your invoicing if you move forward with the engagement.

Hourly rate: from €60 including tax/hour
(applicable VAT 17%)

A decreasing rate based on the number of hours worked

Full day (7h): 300€

Duration of an intervention over the span of a day: minimum 3 hours, maximum 8 hours


Did you know that our services
can also be offered
in the form of a gift voucher ?
A breath of fresh air for someone
you love !

Contact me for more info